Gregor P. Eberli |
Director, Comparative Sedimentology Laboratory, Professor of Marine Geosciences
Ph.D., ETH Zurich, 1985
Shallow and deep-water carbonate systems; Seismic facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy, petrophysics of carbonates and mixed carbonate/siliciclastic systems. read more...
Mark P. Grasmueck |
Adjunct Associate Professor of Marine Geosciences
Ph.D., ETH Zurich, 1995
Applied geophysics, reflection seismic, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), equipment development, 3-D and 4-D near surface imaging, reservoir characterization, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV), cold-water coral ecosystems, data integration and visualization. read more...
Paul (Mitch) Harris |
Adjunct Professor of Marine Geosciences
Ph.D., University of Miami, 1977
(1) carbonate sand deposits in the Bahamas as templates for undersanding reservoir heterogeneity;
(2) microbial-dominated carbonate platform margins, especially Late Paleozoic examples;
(3) isolated platform type carbonate reservoirs.
James S. Klaus |
Assistant Professor, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Miami
Ph.D., University of Illinois, 2005
Evolution and extinction of Cenozoic to Recent reef corals, paleoecology of Cenozoic reefs, geo-microbiology of modern coral reef ecosystems. read more...
Amanda Oehlert |
Assistant Professor of Marine Geosciences
Ph.D., University of Miami, RSMAS, 2014
Geochemistry, geobiology, paleoclimate, global carbon cycling.
Sam Purkis |
Professor of Marine Geosciences, University of Miami
Ph.D., Earth Observation and Geology, VU University Amsterdam, 2004.
Remote sensing, GIS, comparative sedimentology, mathematical simulation, geomodelling
For more information, please click here.
Peter K. Swart |
Lewis G. Weeks, Professor of Marine Geosciences
Ph.D. Geochemistry, Kings College, University of London, 1980.
- The Climate Dynamics of the Atlantic
- Sclerosponges/Corals
- Carbonate Diagenesis
- Nitrogen Dynamics in the Marine Environment
- Clumped Isotopes
- Global Carbon Cycle through Time
Ralf J. Weger |
Assistant Research Professor, Department of Marine Geosciences, University of Miami
Ph.D., University of Miami, 2006
Petrophysics of carbonates.
Mara R. Diaz |
Scientist, Department of Marine Geosciences, University of Miami
Ph.D Coastal Oceanography
Microbial ecology, marine ecology, microbiology.
Donald F. McNeill |
Scientist, Department of Marine Geosciences, University of Miami
Ph.D., University of Miami (RSMAS), 1989
Sedimentology and Stratigraphic Correlation of Carbonate and Mixed Systems; Intergrated Stratigraphy (Bio-, Sr-, Isotope-, Magnetostratigraphy) read more...
Christian Betzler, Thomas Lüdmann
University of Hamburg, Germany
G. Michael Grammer
Oklahoma State University
Emmanuel Hanert
Universite Catholique du Louvain, Belgium
Langhorne Bullit “Taury” Smith
Smith Stratigraphics, New Orleans
Leticia Rodriguez Blanco
Consultant, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sean Murray
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Sara Bashah
Ph.D., University of Miami, 2022
Research interests: Carbonate sedimentology & stratigraphy, carbonate petrophysics, contourites, carbonate reservoirs.
Bolton Howes
Ph.D., Princeton University, 2022
Akos Kalman
Ph.D., University of Haifa, 2022
Research interest: paleoclimate, flashfloods, tsunamis, foraminifera, microplastics, machine learning
Chaojin Lu
Ph.D., China University of Petroleum (Beijing), 2021
Research interests: Geochemistry, Carbonate diagenesis, Clumped isotopes, Dolomitization
Morgan Chakraborty
Ph.D. Student since 2023 (Supervisor: Prof. Sam Purkis)
Anna Ling
Ph.D. Student since 2014 (Supervisor: Prof. Gregor Eberli)
Research Interests: W. Florida Shelf and Maldives
M.Sc. Geosciences (2013), ETH Zurich/University of Zurich
B.Sc. Geology (2010), Universiti Malaysia Sabah
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Clement Pollier
Ph.D. Student since 2022 (Supervisor: Dr. Amanda Oehlert)
Research interests: Biogeochemistry, geomicrobiology, microbialites, trace elements, biosignatures.
Jake Loegenecker
Amel Saied
Administrative Assistants
||©Comparative Sedimentology Laboratory 2022||